Earlier this year I blogged about the first release of papers on Open Data in a Special Issue of the Journal of Community Informatics that I had been co-editing with Zainab Bawa. A few days ago we added the last few papers to the issue, finalising it as a collection of critical thinking about the development of Open Government Data.
You can find the full table of contents below (new papers noted with (New)).
Table of Contents
The Promises and Perils of Open Government Data (OGD), Tim G. Davies, Zainab Ashraf Bawa
Two Worlds of Open Government Data: Getting the Lowdown on Public Toilets in Chennai and Other Matters, Michael Gurstein
The Rhetoric of Transparency and its Reality: Transparent Territories, Opaque Power and Empowerment, Bhuvaneswari Raman
Data Template For District Economic Planning, Sharadini Rath
Guidelines for Designing Deliberative Digital Habitats: Learning from e-Participation for Open Data Initiatives, Fiorella De Cindio
(New) Unintended Behavioural Consequences of Publishing Performance Data: Is More Always Better?, Simon McGinnes, Kasturi Muthu Elandy
(New) Open Government Data and the Right to Information: Opportunities and Obstacles, Katleen Janssen
Notes from the field
Mapping the Tso Kar basin in Ladakh, Shashank Srinivasan
Collecting data in Chennai City and the limits of openness, Nithya V Raman
Apps For Amsterdam, Tom Demeyer
Open Data – what the citizens really want, Wolfgang Both
(New) Trustworthy Records and Open Data, Anne Catherine Thurston
(New) Exploring the politics of Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) in the context of contemporary South Africa; how are open policies implemented in practice?, Asne Kvale Handlykken
Points of View
Some Observations on the Practice of “Open Data” As Opposed to Its Promise, Roland J. Cole