Five critical questions for constructing data standards

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about processes of standardisation recently (building on the recent IATI Technical Advisory Group meeting, working on two new standards projects, and conversations at today’s MIT Center for Civic Media & Berkman Center meet-up). One of the key strands in that thinking is around how pragmatics and ethics of standards collide. Building a good standard involves practical choices based on the data that is available, the technologies that might use that data and what they expect, and the feasibility of encouraging parties who might communicate using that standard to adapt their practices (more or less minimally) in order to adopt it. But a standard also has ethical and political consequences, whether it is a standard deep in the Internet stack (as John Morris and Alan Davidson discuss in this paper from 2003[1]), or a standard at the content level, supporting exchange of information in some specific domain.

The five questions below seek to (in a very provisional sense) capture some of the considerations that might go into an exploration of the ethical dimensions of standard construction[2].

(Thanks to Rodrigo DaviesCatherine D’Ignazio and Willow Brugh for the conversations leading to this post)

For any standard, ask:

Who can use it?

Practically I mean. Who, if data in this standard format was placed in front of them, would be able to do something meaningful with it. Who might want to use it? Are people who could benefit from this data excluded from using it by it’s complexity?

Many data standards assume that ‘end users’ will access the data through intermediaries (i.e. a non-technical user can only do anything with the data after it has been processed by some intermediary individual or tool) – but not everyone has access to intermediaries, or intermediaries may have their own agendas or understandings of the world that don’t fit with those of the data user.

I’ve recently been exploring whether it’s possible to turn this assumption around, and make simple versions of a data standard the default, with more expressive data models available to those with the skills to transform data into these more structured forms. For example, the Three Sixty Giving standard (warning: very draft/provisional technical docs) is based around the idea of a rich data model, but a simple flat-as-possible serialisation that means most of the common forms of analysis someone might want to do with the data can be done in a spreadsheet, and for 90%+ of cases, data can be exchanged in flat(ish) forms, with richer structures only used where needed.

What can be expressed?

Standards make choices about what can be expressed usually at two levels:

  • Field choice
  • Taxonomies / codelists

Both involve making choices about how the world is sliced up, and what sorts of things can be represented and expressed.

A thought experiment: If I asked people in different social situations an open question inviting them to tell me about the things a standard is intended to be about (e.g. “Tell me about this contract?”) how much of what they report can be captured in the standard? Is it better at capturing the information seen as important to people in certain social positions? Are there ways it could capture information from those in other positions?

What social processes might it replace or disrupt?

Over the short-term, many data standards end up being fed by existing information systems – with data exported and transformed into the standard. However, over time, standards can lead to systems being re-engineered around them. And in shifting the flow of information inside and outside of organisations, standards processes can disrupt and shift patterns of autonomy and power.

Sometimes the ‘inefficient’ processes of information exchange, which open data standards seek to rationalise, can be full of all sorts of tacit information exchange, relationship building etc. which the introduction of a standard could affect. Thinking about how the technical choices in a standard affect it’s adoption, and how far they allow for distributed patterns of data generation and management may be important. (For example, which identifiers in a standard have to be maintained centrally, thus placing a pressure for centralised information systems to maintain the integrity of data – and which can be managed locally – making it easier to create more distributed architectures. It’s not simply a case of what kinds of architectures a standard does or doesn’t allow, but which it makes easier or trickier, as in budget constrained environments implementations will often go down the path of least resistance, even if it’s theoretically possible to build out implementation of standard-using tools in ways that better respect the exiting structures of an organisation.)

Which fields are descriptive? Which fields are normative?

There has recently been discussion of the introduction on Facebook of a wide range of options for describing Gender, with Jane Fae arguing in the Guardian that, rather than provide a restricted list of fields, the field should simply be dropped altogether. Fae’s argument is about the way in which gender categories are used to target ads, and that it has little value as a category otherwise.

Is it possible to look at a data standard and consider which proposed fields import strong normative worldviews with them? And then to consider omitting these fields?

It may be that for some fields, silence is the better option that forcing people, organisations or events (or whatever it is that the standard describes) into boxes that don’t make sense for all the individuals/cases covered…

Does it permit dissent?

Catherine D’Ignazio suggested this question. How far does a standard allow itself to be disputed? What consequences are there to breaking the rules of a standard or remixing it to express ideas not envisaged by the original architects? What forms of tussle can the standard accommodate?

This is perhaps even more a question of the ecosystem of tools, validators and other resources around the standard than a standard specification itself, but these are interelated.


[1]: I’ve been looking for more recent work on ‘public interest’ and politics of standard creation. Academically I spend a lot of time going back to Bowker and Star’s work on ‘infrastructure’, but I’m on the look out for other works I should be drawing upon in thinking about this.

[2]: I’m talking particularly about open data standards, and standards at the content level, like IATI, Open 311, GTFS etc.

Developing data standards for Open Contracting

logo-open-contractingContracts have a key role to play in effective transparency and accountability: from the contracts government sign with extractives industries for mineral rights, to the contracts for delivery of aid, contracts for provision of key public services, and contracts for supplies. The Open Contracting initiative aims to improve the disclosure and monitoring of public contracts through the creation of global principles, standards for contract disclosure, and building civil society and government capacity. One strand of work that the Open Contracting team have been exploring to support this work is the creation of a set of open data standards for capturing contract information. This blog post reports on some initial ground work designed to inform this strand of work.

Although I was involved in some of the set-up of this short project, and presented the outcomes at last weeks workshop, the bulk of the work was undertaken by Aptivate‘s Sarah Bird.

Update: see also the report of the process here.

Update 2 (12th Sept 2013): Owen Scott has build on the pilot with data from Nepal.

The process

Developing standards is a complex process. Each choice made has implications: for how acceptable the standard will be to different parties; for how easy certain uses of the data will be; and for how extensible the standard will be, or which other standards it will easily align with. However, standards cannot easily be built up choice-by-choice from a blank slate adopting the ideal choice: they are generally created against a background of pre-existing datasets and standards. The Open Contracting data standards team had already gathered together a range of contract information datasets currently published by governments across the world, and so, with just a few weeks between starting this project and the data standards workshop on 28th March, we planned an 5-day development sprint, aiming to generate a very draft first iteration of a standard. Applying an agile methodology, where short iterations are each designed to yield a viable product by the end, but on the anticipating that further early iterations may revise and radically alter this, meant we had to set a reasonable scope for this first sprint.

The focus then was on the supply side, taking a set of existing contract datasets from different parties, and identifying their commonalities and differences. The contract datasets selected were from the UK, USA, Colombia, Philippines and the World Bank. From looking at the fields these existing datasets had in common, an outline structure was developed, working on a principle of taking good ideas from across the existing data, rather than playing to a lowest common denominator. Then, using the International Aid Transparency Initiative activity standard as a basis, Sarah drafted a basic data structure, which can act as a version 0.01 standard for discussion. To test this, the next step was to convert samples from some of the existing datasets into this new structure, and then to analyse how much of the available data was covered by the structure, and how comprehensive the available data was when placed against the draft structure. (The technical approach taken, which can be found in the sprint’s GitHub repository, was to convert the different incoming data to JSON, and post it into a MongoDB instance for analysis).

We discuss the limitations of this process in a later section.

Initial results

The initial pass of data suggested a structure based on:

  • Organisation data – descriptions of organisations, held separately from individual contract information, and linked by a globally unique ID (based on the IATI Organisational ID standard)
  • Contract meta data – general information about the contract in question, such as title, classification, default currency and primary location of supply. Including an area for ‘line items’ of elements the contract covers.
  • Contract stages – a series of separate blocks of data for different stages of the contract, all contained within the overarching contract element.
    • Bid – key dates and classifications about the procurement stage of a contract process.
    • Award – details of the parties awarded the contract and the details of the award.
    • Performance – details of transactions (payments to suppliers) and work activities carried out during the performance of the contract.
    • Termination – details of the ending of the contract.
  • Documents – fields for linking to related documents.

A draft annotated schema for capturing this data can be found in XML and JSON format here, and a high-level overview is also represented in the diagram below. In the diagrams that follow, each block represents one data point in the draft standard.


We then performed an initial analysis to explore how much of the data currently available from the sources explored would fit into the standard, and how comprehensively the standard could be filled from existing data. As the diagram below indicates, no single source covered all the available data fields, and some held no information on particular stages of the contracting process at all. This may be down to different objectives of the available data sources, or deeper differences in how organisations handle information on contracts and contracting workflows.


Combining the visualisations above into a single views given a sense of which data points in the draft standard have greatest use, illustrated in the schematic heat-map below.


At this point the analysis is very rough-and-ready, hence the presentation of a rough impression, rather than detailed field-by-field analysis. The last thing to check was how much data was ‘left over’ and not captured in the standard. This was predominantly the case for the UK and USA datasets, where many highly specialised fields and flags were present the dataset, indicating information that might be relevant to capture in local contract datasets, but which might be harder to find standard representations for across contracts.


The next step was to check whether data that could go into the same fields could be easily harmonised. As the existence of organisation details, or dates, and classifications of contracts across different datasets does not necessarily mean these are interoperable. Fields like dates and financial amounts appeared to be relatively easy to harmonise, but some elements present greater challenges, such as organisational identifiers, contact people, and various codelists in use. However some code-lists may possible to harmonise. For example, the ‘Category’ classifications from across datasets were translated, grouped and aggregated, up to 92% of the original data in a sample was retained.

5-Sum and Group

Implications, gaps, next steps

This first iteration provides a basis for future discussions. There are, however, some important gaps. Most significant of all is that this initial development has been supply-side driven, based around the data that organisations are already publishing, rather than developed on the basis of the data that civil society organisations, or scrutiny bodies, are demanding in order to make sense of complex contract situations. It also omits certain kinds of contracts, such as complex extractives contracts (on which, see the fantastic work Revenue Watch have been doing with getting structured data from PDF contracts with Document Cloud), and Public Private Partnership (PPP) contracts. And it has not delved deeply into the data structures needed for properly capturing information that can aid in monitoring contract performance. These gaps will all need to be addressed in future work.

At the moment, this stands as discrete project, and no set next-steps are agreed as far as I’m aware. However, some of the ideas explored in the meeting on the 28th included:

  • A next iteration – focussed on the demand side – working with potential users of contracts data to work out how data needs to be shaped, and what needs to be in a standard to meet different data re-use needs. This could build towards version 0.02.
  • Testing against a wider range of datasets – either following, or in parallel with, a demand-driven iteration, to discover how the work done so far evolves when confronted with a larger set of existing contract datasets to synthesise.
  • Connecting with other standards. This first sprint took the IATI Standard as a reference point. There may be other standards to refer to in development. Discussions on the 28th with those involved in other standards highlighted an interest in more collaborative working to identify shared building blocks or common elements that might be re-used across standards, and to explore the practical and governance implications of this.
  • Working on complementary building blocks of a data standard – such as common approaches to identifying organisations and parties to a contract; or developing tools and platforms that will aggregate data and make data linkable. The experience of IATI, Open Spending and many other projects appears to be that validators, aggregation platforms and data-wrangling tools are important complements to standards for supporting effective re-use of open data.

Keep an eye on the Open Contracting website for more updates.