Protection requires participation – can we keep young people safe online?

I've just booked a place at Children and Young People Now's 'Keeping Children Safe Online' conference. It's not a conference title I'm entirely comfortable with. It appears to embody two key errors in thinking about young people and the internet

  • An over-emphasis on risk
  • The wrong response to risk

In exploring my concerns on these points, the provisional thoughts and explorations I've been working through emerged as this blog post.

An over-emphasis on risk

It's easy to talk about risks. When you're looking for the possibility of trouble – you can usually find it. And when you've identified trouble – the (cognitively) 'easy' response is to put up fences – block it off and 'protect' people from it. If you can stop one person from experiecing the 'risk' – then putting up the fences is worth it. The logic follows that risks are bad – and risks should be removed.

Lizzie Jackson perceptively writes:

What concerns me is the child protection industry which is increasing apace and, through its expansion, it could be argued, the promotion of the perceived risks to children.”

It's far trickier to talk about:

a) Navigating risk – that altogether more sutle process of possessing the right skills, having the relevant cognitive and emotional assets, accessing the right advice, and being in the right settings to turn what could be a seen as a potential 'trouble' situation into an opportunity for individual development.

b) Opportunities – If 'all risks are bad' are all opportunities good?
Opportunities are prospective, provisional spaces for exploration. We don't know exactly where they lead. We can't specify what will definitely happen when an opportunity is pursued. And most opportunities involve some risk (which, by implication, makes them bad?). If you tell me not to do something because of the risk, you know what happens. I don't do it. If you encourage me to explore the opportunity, sensitive to navigating risk, then you need to accept you don't know exactly what is going to happen. That can be tricky.

The wrong response to risk

The recent BBC Panorama documentary 'One Click from Danger' suggested that, in response to risks online, under 18's should not use their real names and only talk to those they have had real world contact with.

That's a set of recomendations that cut young people off from a rich range of opportunities and experiences for social interaction and development online.

And it's a set of recomendations that entirely ignore the crucial role of young people's participation in their own protection.

UNCRC Arch - protection, provision, participation*

The slide above (a rightful favorite of Bill Badham's) outlines how young people's right to participate is the keystone that holds together their rights to be protected, and their rights to provision. Effective protection can only happen through participation.

We should be engaging young people in all the decisions that affect their online lives – not setting down arbitary rules that exclude them from key decisions and fail to engage young people in managing risks in partnership with trusted peers and adults around them.

Asking the right questions

How can adults keep young people safe online? They can't. Not on their own. And certainly not by using inflexible rule and systems of control.

Rather – we need to be asking about how we can support young people to be safe online? And – how we can support young people to make the most of the opportunities and provisions available online?

Or to rephrase the question into a form that might provide a little for structure for discussion and sharing of practice:

What does young people's effective participation in their own protection, and the provision for them, look like in the online context?

*As an (important) aside – given the UK has signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from which the rights in the model above come – surely it should form the basis for our public policy in this area?

Youth Work Guide to Blogging from YOMO

Blogging for Youth WorkTwo of the reasons I gave in my recent post '7 reasons why youth workers should be blogging' were to share resources, and to build networks.

Well, following some blog-based networking and discussion sparked by that post, I've just logged on to find Mas from the the YOMO Breakfast Society blog has drafted a fantastic 'getting started guide' for youth work blogging resource. And DK from MediaSnackers who has been taking advantage of his speaking gigs around the country to encourage youth service blogging is proposing a video intro as well. Blogging and collaboration in action.

You can find the draft guide Mas has written attached to this post, and he is inviting feedback to help build to a final version of the guide. It would be great if readers with experience of trying to promote blogging in different sectors and organisation could cast an eye over the guide an offer any advice.

The guide is also really interested in helping me to think about developments for the one-page-guide series – as somehow Mas has managed to fit a fantastic amount of information into the 'Blogging for Youth Work' guide whilst at the same time managing to keep it looking a lot cleaner and less cluttered that the guides I've been developing so far.

7 reasons why youth workers should be blogging

Youth Work Now

This is cross-posted from 'Tim on Youth Work' over on the C&YPN blogs. If you want to leave a comment, that's probably the best place to head to.

On the back page of this months Youth Work Now Michael Bracey highlights the lack of engagement between youth work and new technology. Search online for 'Youth Work' and you find very little from anyone outside of the world of youth ministry. And I've not yet managed to find a single one of the 27,000 statutory sector youth workers out there blogging about youth work!*

When you look at our colleagues in education, not only is there masses of technology innovation happening in places like Futurelab, but the 'eduBloggers' are so active they even have their own awards ceremony for best blogs of the year! So perhaps it's time for youth work to catch up and get blogging.

Why should you be blogging?:

A blog is a flexible platform for sharing and communication. You've probably seen blogs that are someone's personal diary telling you everything they did or thought this week – but blogging is about a lot more than that. It is about generating communities of practice sharing news, resources and stories. It is about building strong networks and championing causes. And it's about creating the space for innovation, exchange of ideas, and new connections that all spill over into our day-to-day work and make youth work work better.

Reason #1: Sharing resources

Local offer - useful resourcesHow many different resources have you used in the last month? How many have you put together? How many would others benefit from knowing about and being able to use?

With a blog you can share links to useful resources, or, if you've created your own, you can easily upload digital copies and make them available for others to download and use.

You don't only have to share the resource, you can also share the story of how you used it to give context to the tools, and you can invite feedback from others through the comments feature of a blog.

Try, for example, these resources from a consultation I ran on promoting the local offer

Reason #2: Reflective practice

Photo Credit (CC): blog can be your professional reflective journal. It is a space to 'think aloud' about the successes and challenges of day-to-day work with young people. And you can invite others to join you in your reflections through the comments on your blog, or making postings on their own blogs.

Blogging has a real role to play in lifelong learning and professional development. Michelle Martin provides some great pointers on blogging for reflection and learning over here…

Reason #3: Building networks

Venn Diagram - building overlapping networksThe chances are that your professional interests are not just in 'youth work'. You might be interested in 'youth work' and 'health', or 'youth work' and 'activism'.

You have a network of interests, and there are networks of bloggers out there with interests that overlap with yours. You can use a blog to join in those critical conversations, find and share ideas and to build dynamic and evolving interdisciplinary networks.

Plus, your blog doesn't just sit there on the internet linking you to 'virtual people'. You can use it to carry on the conversation after a conference, or to keep in touch with a growing network of colleagues across the country.

Reason #4: Innovating and raising the bar

Good ideas should spread. If you've had a good idea – share it.

Stories of good practice should inspire and challenge us. If you've seen a great example of youth work doing what youth work should – share it.

When I say 'share it' – I mean, 'blog it'. A blog gives you a platform to make sure everyone can hear the new ideas, and can see what good youth work can achieve.

Reason #5: Sharing positive stories about young people

Photo credit (CC): all know there are too few positive stories in the media about young people. But with a blog you can be the media. What are the positive stories you have to share?

Readers of your blog can subscribe to get updates using an RSS reader, or sometimes be e-mail as well. What is your local paper was reading your blog of positive stories? And your local councillors?

You might even want to experiment with audio and video and create a vodCast or podCast.

Reason #6: Linking with the local community

Screenshot from Guardian websiteThe guardian recently ran a story on the evolution of local 'blogospheres'. Blogging isn't just about talking to people the other side of the country – it can be an effective tool for sharing information locally.

Take for example Andrew K Brown's overview of the blogosphere in Lewisham. Does your area have a vibrant community of local bloggers? Could being part of it help you develop links and social capital, and promote a positive local voice for young people?

Reason #7: Enhancing your youth work

All the reasons above are about why youth workers should have person blogs. But there are many more opportunities to use blogs in your work with young people. Does your youth forum have a blog? How could a blog be used to showcase young people's work? What role does a blog have to play as a portfolio of informal learning? If this group of 9 and 10 year olds can do it, so can you…

Why else should youth workers be blogging?

I'm sure the list above only touches a few of the reaons you might want to start blogging as a youth worker – if you've got other ideas, do drop them into the comments.

And if you're inspired to get started with a blog – do let me know as well – we could try and launch a bit of a learning journey together to get started blogging and building the youth work blogosphere community…


(*Are there really no youth workers blogging: I'm very much hoping someone will correct me on this and point me to lots of great youth worker blogs. If you do, I'll link to them here and on a future post…)

Research Launch: The Youth Development Model

Update: You can download the final paper here. Or head over onto the NYA website to vie a Voice Thread presentation with an overview of the key findings.
A model for understanding the key features of the Positive Youth Development in a UK context


In my last Round Up post I mentioned a new research report on 'Positive Youth Development'. Well, I'm rather excited to be able to tell you we'll be having a 'research launch' for the paper on the 21st January 2008 from 10am till 12 noon at the Thistle Bloomsbury in London.

I'll be co-presenting with Sarah Schulman on what Positive Youth Development is, and we'll be looking at what it has to offer the landscape of policy and provision for young people in the UK.

And you are most welcome to join us.

What is Positive Youth Development?

Well – that's what we were trying to explore in the paper.

Positive Youth Development as a concept has its roots in US based work with young people. It draws upon ideas from the science of adolescent development to inform the design and structure of 'developmentally appropriate' programmes, activities and settings for work with young people.

In the US there is a strong Positive Youth Development that is seeking to create a positive 'public idea' about youth – challenging negative attitudes towards young people and replacing them with a vision for young people as thriving members of communities.

In the United Kingdom the recent Ten Year Strategy for young people referenced a number of Positive Youth Development sources when it set out a vision for young people – although the substance of the document was only an incomplete shift towards Positive Youth Development ideas.

Why should I care?

I first came into contact with Positive Youth Development (PYD) when co-facilitating particition training for health professionals in the US in 2006. Since exploring it further, I've found it to be a school of thought with a lot to offer thinking about young people in the UK:

  • PYD can help us articulate a vision for thriving young people
  • PYD can help us think about what it means for an activity to be structured – or why it is that positive activities will be so positive
  • PYD encourages us to shift from measuring deficit to measuring the positive assets young people develop
  • PYD offers both an intellectual, and a practical, framework for thinking about work with young people

PYD ideas shouldn't be wholesale imported into the UK context – but I strongly suspect there is a lot to be gained from a deeper conversation about what they have to offer us. And it's that conversation we're hoping to make a start on on the 21st January in London.

The research launch

NYA ResearchIf you're interested in coming along then it would be great to see you. There will be refreshments available from 10am. To register to come you'll simply need to let know who you are, any organisation you'll be representing, and any special requirements you might have – and Rita will send you the full paper and final details of the venue.

Attachment: Davies and Schulman – Positive Youth Development Literature Review.pdf

What analogies do you use in social media space?

The Town Centre on Saturday afternoon as an analogy for social networksWhat are the analogies you are using to help you and others in making better decisions about social media?

In talking about new technologies I find I often turn to analogies to help in:

  1. Explain how a technology works and what it can do (e.g. describing wiki's as similar to a whiteboard in this guide)


  2. Exploring policy responses to new forms of technology (e.g. in thinking about how youth workers should interact with social networking)

When talking with youth workers, two of my favourites for exploring social networks are:

  • Social networks as a town centre on Saturday afternoon.
    There are many different groups sharing a space, some overlapping with each other, others keeping to their own areas. Adults and young people share the space. Some of the space is effectively public space, some is private and commercialised. There are spaces you wouldn't want young children or young people to go into (pubs / clubs), and there are other very positive spaces (youth centre, sports centre). Many people are in the town centre on Saturday afternoon to meet friends, or to just hang out. Groups of friends cross over, and new friends and contacts are made.
  • Social Networks as a festival (from Greenbelt to Burning Man)
    Festivals as an analogy for social networksThis analogy was from Pete Cranston, and looks at looks at social networks as more fluid and dynamic communities – a space outside of the every-day filled with new experiences and a sense of freedom from many ordainary social norms.

Each analogy captures a different aspect of online social networks – but both should help us to use our intuitions to think about how we respond to them. For example, if detached youth workers are out and about in the town centre on a Saturday afternoon – should they be on MySpace as well? How do parents respond to their young people's participation in festivals? What of that should be transferred to the way they respond to their young people's participation in social networks.

However, as discussion in this post by Ewan McIntosh on a Jimmy Wales analogy for Wikipedia suggests, we can't trust analogies straight off. We need to us analogies as the foundations for thought experiments that take into account not only what is similar between the analogy and it's subject, but also what is different.

Over the next couple of weeks I'm planning a bit more of an exploration of the sorts of processes we need to make those thought experiments work – and as I work on that, I'd love to be thinking about other people's analogies and exploring those. So:

What are the analogies you are using to help you and others in making better decisions about social media?

ProBlogger has been looking a metaphors for blogging – although I'm particularly interested in metaphors for social networking tools and spaces.

Links round up: research ethics, positive youth development and oxfam youth board

Published at last - Positive Youth Development Literature ReviewTo help with clearing the 'To Blog' list before the Christmas Break – here's a quick round up of links that may be of interest…

(Welcome to any new subscribers who have arrived since the flurry of one page guides earlier this week. There will be more of those in the New Year – for now the blog returns to it's general eclectic focus linking youth participation, social change and social media.)

Youth Participation and Youth Work

Social Justice

Cool stuff

One page guides: uk train times and cheap fares

Train times guideOk. I promise this is the last one page guide I'll post this week (possibly this year…) – and this one isn't strictly about a social media tool.

I don't own a car and I don't drive, hence I rely heavily on the UK rail network. And to make that as straightforward as possible, I rely heaving on the fantastic created by Mathew Sommerville (ok, I realise I've raved about this before… which to non-uk-train-travelling readers is possibly slightly odd… but I'm not going to let that stop me). And so that others can benefit from the sheer brilliance of and its bookmarkable URLs (and so they can use if to find cheaper rail fares), I've put together this one page guide to using

Ideal to print out and keep by the computer for the next time you're planning a journey and wondering whether taking the train would make sense…

As with all these guides, feel free to download the word copy and edit it to suit your needs.

Attachment: 7 – Train times.pdf
Attachment: 7 – Train times.doc

One page guides: voicethread and motionbox online video editing

Sharing stories with voice threadThese two one page guides were written very specifically for the Young Researcher Network launch conference and look at online video editing and using the voicethread tool for collaboratively narrating slide shows and presentations.

I was introduced to VoiceThread by Al Upton and the miniLegends during the 31-days to a better blog challenge this summer. It's a really interesting tool, and so, with this one page guide my aim has been to offer an introduction to VoiceThread, but to leave open to discussion it's possible applications. I'd love to hear stories from those who have used VoiceThread in any consultation, participation or youth work contexts.

You can download the introduction to VoiceThread as a word file here (PDF coming when I get hold of a better PDF convertor which handles translucency without it looking horrible…).

Online Video with MotionboxThe second guide outlines how you can edit video online using MotionBox. For users whose computer systems are firmly locked down by the corporate or local authority IT department, online editing may well present one of the best options for quickly creating and sharing effective video content.

You can download the Online Video Editing with Motionbox guide as a PDF here, or grab the original word file to modify from here.

MotionBox is one of many tools that have recently emerged for editing video online. I chose it for this guide as, of those I knew at the time, it seemed to offer the best 'walled garden' of video content that I felt comfortable using with a group of young people aged 13 to 25. I'm planning to explore JayCut as an alernative tool worthy of a one page guide soon.

Does anyone reading have experience with other online video editing tools? Which would you recommend?

Attachment: Sharing stores- with voicethread.doc
Attachment: Online video – with motion box.pdf
Attachment: Online video – with motion box.doc

One page guides: online mapping & google earth

Custom online maps with two one page guides were written for the Young Researcher Network launch conference where they were used as part of a session introducing social media tools for young researchers.

I've always found geographic and mapping visualisations to be really helpful in participation projects (as in this series of workshops on the local offer), and so these two guides explore how Google Earth and the My Maps feature of Google Maps can be used to add an online dimension to community mapping projects.

In the 'Custom Online Maps – with' guide I've tried a new technique, picking up on the annotated screen shot style of Sue Waters (example here) to show the different options available on My Maps.

You can download 'Custom Online Maps – with' here as a PDF for printing, or if you want to edit and adapt a copy, grab the original word file here.

Google Earth

The 'Mapping your community with Google Earth' guide explains:

Google Earth allows you to view high resolution satellite images of your local area on a 3D globe.

You can add annotations and notes onto Google earth to record information about your area.

You can add lines and shapes to mark out particular areas on your map.
You can share your annotations so that they can be accessed on Google Maps ( or in other mapping tools.

You can download the 'Mapping your community with Google Earth' guide as a PDF here, or as a word document for editing it is available here.

This guide is only a very brief introduction and is very specific in having been designed for a 25 minute mini-workshop introducing Google Earth. I'm mainly sharing here for those who were at the workshop and have asked for a copy…

The Young Researcher Network launch conference where the workshop took place also explored how you can use Flickr to create a photo map. There is an earlier guide that mentions that to be found here.

Attachment: Online maps.pdf
Attachment: Google Earth.pdf
Attachment: Google Earth.doc
Attachment: Online maps.doc

One page guide: online surveys

Online surveysI wrote this one page guide on running an online survey in response to a suggestion from Damien at ChangeMakers Virtual Volunteering programme, and to go towards a section on online consultation and participation I've been putting together for Participation Works.

You can download the guide for printing here (PDF), or for editing here (Word doc).

The guide gives an overview of setting up and running an online survey with The sharp-eyed reader will notice that in fact the screen-shot in the guide is of a SurveyMonkey survey. This is no particular reason for this other than I had that particular survey open at the time. And it shows diversity.

As with all the guides in this series, it is aimed at someone who has perhaps heard of online surveys (or blogs, rss and wikis etc.), but doesn't really know what they have to offer or how to get started. The guide is designed to at least show that it's not that scary – and that these online tools have real practical applications.

I'm planning to experiment with some more 'platform agnostic' guides in the near future – but so far I've found that because every provider names things slightly differently ('analyse responses', 'create report' etc.) it gets quite difficult to create something that will help a new user feel secure rather than worried…

Attachment: Online Surveys.pdf
Attachment: Online Surveys.doc